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CRA React with Hygen and Storybook

This is a template for a React project with Hygen and Storybook follow Atomic Design.


Refer to the Hygen and Storybook documentation for more information.

At the time this doc was written, the following versions were used:

  • Yarn: @4.0.2
  • Node: @18.18.2
  • Storybook: @7.6.3
  • Hygen: @6.2.11

Create React App

We start by creating a new React project with TypeScript.

npx create-react-app *<project-name>* --template typescript


Next we add Storybook to our project.

yarn dlx storybook@latest init

After we run the command above, we will be asked if we want to install the dependencies. We can answer Y to this question. SB setup wizard

Then we can run Storybook.

yarn storybook

If we want to setting up styling with Storybook, we can follow the Storybook docs.

In this case I'm using SCSS (refer to the docs). Because I'm using CRA so I don't need to install any dependencies.


Install Hygen

Next, we can now add Hygen and others dependencies to our project.

yarn add hygen

Add Hygen templates

We can now add the Hygen templates to our project.

First we create a templates folder in the root of our project.

mkdir _templates

Then we can add the templates to the folder we just created.

Because I'm following Atomic Design, I create the templates for each component in the components folder.

mkdir _templates/components
mkdir _templates/components/new

Then we can add the templates to the folder we just created.

touch _templates/components/new/index.tsx.ejs.t

For more information on Hygen template, please refer to my Hygen templates notes.


Be careful when you copy the code below. If there is a breakline at the start of the file (before frontmatter), it will not work.

In this file we can add the following code.

to: src/components/<%= h.changeCase.lower(level) %>/<%= h.changeCase.pascal(name) %>/index.tsx
import React from 'react'

export type <%= h.changeCase.pascal(name) %>Props = {
children: React.ReactNode

export const <%= h.changeCase.pascal(name) %>: React.FC<<%= h.changeCase.pascal(name) %>Props> = ({
}) => (
<div className="<%= h.changeCase.lower(level).charAt(0) %>-<%= h.changeCase.camel(name) %>">

Here we are creating a React component with the name we pass in.

The level is the folder level we want to create the component in. For example, if we pass in atoms as the level, the component will be created in the atoms folder.

Then we create similar scss, storybook and test files:


to: src/components/<%= h.changeCase.lower(level) %>/<%= h.changeCase.pascal(name) %>/index.scss
.<%= h.changeCase.lower(level).charAt(0) %>-<%= h.changeCase.camel(name) %> {
// styles


to: src/components/<%= h.changeCase.lower(level) %>/<%= h.changeCase.pascal(name) %>/index.stories.tsx

import type { Meta, StoryObj } from '@storybook/react';

import { <%= h.changeCase.pascal(name) %> } from '.';

// More on how to set up stories at:
const meta = {
title: '<%= h.changeCase.pascal(level) %>/<%= h.changeCase.pascal(name) %>',
component: <%= h.changeCase.pascal(name) %>,
parameters: {
// Optional parameter to center the component in the Canvas. More info:
layout: 'centered',
// This component will have an automatically generated Autodocs entry:
tags: ['autodocs'],
// More on argTypes:
argTypes: {
} satisfies Meta<typeof <%= h.changeCase.pascal(name) %>>;

export default meta;
type Story = StoryObj<typeof meta>;

// More on writing stories with args:
export const Default: Story = {
args: {

Add Hygen generators

Next we can add the prompts for our templates.

touch _templates/components/new/prompt.js

In this file we can add the following code.

module.exports = [
type: "select",
name: "level",
message: "What is the level of the component?",
choices: [
{ title: "Atoms", value: "atoms" },
{ title: "Molecules", value: "molecules" },
{ title: "Organisms", value: "organisms" },
{ title: "Templates", value: "templates" },
type: "input",
name: "name",
message: "What is the name of the component?",

Add Hygen configure

Next we can add the Hygen script to our package.json to run the generators.


"scripts": {
// ...
"gen:component": "hygen components new"


Now we can run the Hygen script to create a new component.

yarn gen:component

We will be asked to select the level of the component and the name of the component.

Hygen select level

Hygen input name

Then we can see the component is created in the src/components folder.